3 General Foot Types


1.        Normal Arches: usually correlating with normal pronation.

2.        High Arch: usually correlating with a rigid foot that doesn’t pronate well.  This foot type can tend to strike the ground with a “thud” when running.

3.         Flat Arch: usually correlating with a loose foot that over-pronates.  This foot-type can tend to “slap” the ground when running.

Foot Type Test

Step 1: fill cookie sheet with water

Step 2: dip and wet the sole of your foot

Step 3: step firmly on the paper bag or thick paper

Step 4:  compare and determine: normal arch, high arch, flat arch respectively.

 normalarch  higharch flatarch

Let us keep you running give us a call today!

Center for Musculoskeletal Functon11380 Prosperity Farms Road Suite 217, Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410

561-318-8070 | [email protected] | cmfchiropractic.com

foot type (pdf download)

Daniel Yinh

Daniel Yinh


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